Think of an image, convert up to a 100 digit number, eye whisper the number into the ear of a blind person, the blind person massages it into the skull of a deaf person, the deaf person blows it into the ear of a dumb person, the dumb person reproduces the image accurately from the number. That's natural communication when you are speechless. Anything Supernatural about it? This chain of communication can be doubled or tripled
People with supernatural powers should be able to read everyone's minds instantly, and solve the world's problems,
and predict the lottery numbers and footy results. If you can't read my mind through my eyes naturally as I transmit naturally, you may need lessons from a little girl. Don't take me on with your supernatural powers. Just use your own natural powers and be yourself. Beware the slippery slope of making claims against the laws of nature. Try using the natural organic powers of humans, and only resort to the supernatural when you become desperate.
Lior Suchard on Larry King Live amazed Larry with his amazing prediction of a two digit number, "Larry will say 27"
but did Lior reveal his prediction to the audience before Larry told Lior 27 was the number he was thinking of? Hmm.
Did Lior manipulate Larry into saying 27? Hmm. I can think of a number up to umpteen billion and transmit it with my
eyes to another mind. Surely being the world's number one mentalist with supernatural powers, this should not pose
any problem for Lior. I can transmit this number through my eyes into the mind of a child with little experience who
can receive it with Natural abilities. I can demonstrate to an audience the number from my mind before transmitting it
to the mind of another who can reproduce it and demonstrate having no prior knowledge of the very long number.
The audience can call in the scientists to check whether any method other than thought and vision is being used. Lior amazed the world with his prediction of the outcome of the cricket scores, but he said he can't predict the outcome of
the lottery because that is a random situation with no thought process involved. But aren't tomorrow's scores still a
semi-random outcome with no thoughts to read? And why are supernatural powers impotent when the going gets rough? Surely Supernatural means Super, and anything goes? Hmm, I am challenging the super powers of the world
to read my thought of a very large number, and I can reveal it to an audience before I transmit it with my eyes using Natural Abilities without trickery. The Super Powers will have no knowledge of the number before I transmit it and I am predicting they will not be able to read it from my mind or eyes, with or without supernatural powers. But a child with
some training will be able to do it naturally. Why will the supernaturals fail? Maybe they are not so supernatural! Refer
I can trasmit a telephone number from my mind to the mind of a child who is blind using scents, textures or tastes, or
a mixture of all. So from my mind to a child's mind using natural senses, nothing supernatural about it. Now natural mindreading technology is here and it's super, and supernatural mindreading will become a thing of the past.
Example of a number I can transmit from my eyes naturally:
Lior Suchard is highly skilled and talented in his abilities to entertain and impress us with impossible feats so I don't
understand why he mixes his demonstrations with simple tricks like "Larry will say 27" and tell Larry it is not a trick
and can only be learned by a child with 31 years of experience, when no such child will ever exist, and saying that he really manipulated Larry into saying 27, when Larry told him 27 before Lior revealed his note. I can easily repeat the trick and I have no experience. It places a huge dent into his credibility with his other claims.
I have drawn a character and coloured him in, and I can transmit it with my eyes naturally. Can you reproduce it with your supernatural powers? No? I thought you couldn't, but I can teach you how to do it naturally without trickery.
The internet is littered with the word trick beside the word mentalist. Why resort to trickery with supernatural powers?
I can read a sentence from a newspaper and I can teach another how to read that sentence from my mind through my eyes naturally. Can you?
Shame on Lior for allowing Larry King to promote his Supernatural Powers after Larry told Lior he was thinking of 27, without Lior demonstrating he predicted number 27 prior to Larry revealing it. He is impressing the world with what he can do, but I am not impressed with what he can't do. The Supernatural Powers are fuming with his earthly limitations.
It seems the world is so desperate to prove supernatural powers exist we have turned to entertainers to nurture our desires to disobey the laws of nature; mind reading limited to first name of first love and predictions that are powerful enough to reveal a two digit number 61 from Bill Clinton, but not lottery numbers, and not bad at cricket scores.
What can be done by natural methods:
Transmitting from one mind to another to another again, a one hundred digit number, a complex coloured geometric drawing, a sentence from a book, an accurate prediction of the answer to an uknown sum, using natural senses of
touch, or taste, or scent, or sight, or hearing without speech, or breathing or blowing or colours or objects or massage
or Carrot cards or any combination of these.
The transfer of each of these examples of information can be achieved within one minute for another to decipher and reproduce without any prior knowledge. These methods can be taught and recorded. The records can be stored and deciphered in the future for accurate reproduction. Can the Supernatural Master Mind Reading Mentalists do this?
So if I can predict the eleven digit answer to an unknown sum relating to a random birthdate (which I can accurately)
does that make me a Supernatural Master Mentalist or a Natural Child Skeptimentalist?
Either everything is supernatural or nothing is supernatural
The Piddingtons were famous Australian Mentalists in the forties. Mentalists are magicians or performing artists who
use natural magic and mind games to create illusions of performing the impossible. The Piddingtons did not claim any supernatural powers. When asked how they did it, they always replied "You are the judge".
Lior Suchard's website claims he performs supernatural feats beyond mind reading and telekinesis. Uri Geller claimed
he was not a magician and that his spoonbending was done by his mind using paranormal powers. Lior was chosen as
the next Uri Geller. Magicians like Derren Brown, James Randi, Penn and Teller, and Houdini created illusions to do the impossible, but opposed claiming supernatural powers, unlike psychic fraudsters. Harry Houdini fame in Australia.
The Dippingtons are inexperienced children, who are out to fool the world like The Piddingtons did for almost 70 years, that they can do the impossible. You think they have supernatural powers? That is your problem. You are the Judges,
they are the illusionists using special abilities and super vision of the blind and the blinder, the deaf and the deafer, the dumb and the smarter to challenge claims from the supernaturalists.

I am thinking of a number with 99 digits so the mind readers with supernatural powers won't know.
Those guys can't even read super duper numbers from the mindless
You are thinking of a 2 digit number
Actually we're thinking of a 99 digit number
It doesn't matter how often I tell people I am just a fake healing clown doctor and surgical midwife into arithmotherapy and psycho numeric cripple ball gazing, and chairvoyant chairsentient chairaudient into Naked Carot Card Reading Humerology and Predictor of Gobbledygoo Arithmetic people want to believe that is just part of
an act of misdirection and that they really can be healed by my hands and voice.
It is easy for me to come up with the answer to the unknown sum relating to a your birthdate. I started talking Gobbledygoo when I was a baby and I have been at it all
my life. I was photographed with a woman and then she became the Queensland Attorney General. Terri

"I will not tolerate the Gobbledygoo of the Google translator. I rely on my personal Gobbledygoo translator."
Not at the present time, but he will present the present presents presently, along with the pre-sent presents in the presence of the present President's present wife.
Not at the moment, but it will present these currently present, and pre-sent in the presence of the current wife of the current President gifts.
Not now exist, but it will be introduced at this juncture prior to the present encumbent of the current President's wife.
Not now, but should be introduced at this point, prior to the present under the current President's wife.
Now, existed before the bottom of the wife of the current President, you should not be introduced at this point.
Now there's a woman on the bottom you should not introducerede, this time.
Now there's a woman on the bottom you should introducerede this time.
What we don't need is another communication problem
We thought a mentalist was a magician with human powers who creates illusions of impossible feats. It
is wonderful that The Supernatural Powers can help
Master Mentalists but we don't get any help at all.
As Lior Suchard is now a Master Mentalist we think
it is about time he started using all his own Natural
Powers and gave Supernatural Powers the big flick.
We can teach him to read our minds really naturally.
That's a very shouty name youv'e got there I can hear it from here..Scary..very bizarre..disturbing making me question my sanity..mental health issues..from the bizarro.....if it is not satire it should be....the kids are not Truth stranger than fiction?....I look forward to seeing your video.
Our eyes receive images which our minds access. I can reverse this process. I can recall from my mind an image that
I have drawn and coloured in, and I can transmit it to another mind using my eyes. I can think of a very long number
and I can transmit this thought to another mind from my eyes. I can do this using my natural human abilities without trickery or supernatural powers. Lior your website says you can read my mind as easily as you read a newspaper. You say you have supermatural powers, but you also say you can't read minds without engaging with the person with an experiment. That doesn't sound natural or supernatural or easy as reading a newspaper. So you can experiment on me with your supernatural powers. I wil read the newspaper and you will read it from my mind? I don't think so. Look, Lior there is only one great true freakily accurate mind reader in the world, and I can teach you how he knows everything.
You seem to come up with two digit numbers and short names a lot, but newspapers contain lots of information. I can teach you to read my mind using natural powers. I say you won't be able to read my mind without me teaching you to
If you can't read the newspaper from my mind with your supernatural powers, I can teach you how to do it naturally.
I have made new rules for mentalists who claim to have supernatural powers. From now on all spoonbending must be done by the mind with no physical contact whatsoever. And all flipping of glasses must be done by mind controlling
the levitation and hovering. Using the magician's swami pencil is now banned from predicting two digit numbers for Larry King and Bill Clinton. Of course magicians who do not perform the work of supernatural powers remain entitled
to do as they please to entertain us and deserve their pay. It is not appropriate to mix supernatural feats with natural.
There needs to be a level playing field amongst mentalists. It is not fair to consult supernatural forces to compete with natural skeptimentalists. Misdirection is a tool of the magician. Claiming one's abilities are not natural but supernatural could cause the supernatural forces to feel duped and aggrieved if they're not paid, and the audience feeling deceived.
No third eye is required. One blind eye is sufficient
To all you Dumb Smarties who ridicule us as Smart Dummies into Hocus Pocus Orithmetic for babies and people with disability, have you lost your minds? Of course no-one can read our minds, we don't have any but we do have hearts and feelings. So all us Smart Dummies are going to take on the Dumb Smarties accusing us of talking gibberish about Gobbledygoo. We use headreading, not mindreading, derrrrrbrains!!! All you Smart Smarties are so dumb you don't know how to treat dumb dummies with respect. What is the answer to the unknown question? A Superduper Number has 125 digits and each digit would know how to calculate the location of every other digit if it had a mind, but due to disability each dumb digit has to use the minds of babies and people with disability. This challenge has been on the net for 4 years, and so far no-one has asked for a free demo but the Smart Smarties and the Dumb Smarties have written us off as lunatics in the cuckoo's nest but we are running The Queensland Space Agency not ewe so wotch out?
Royal Commission into abuse and exploitation of people with disability!